A few of the shots I blocked out with fewer in-betweens and really enjoyed how it looked. The stark, chunky feel of the walks and actions made this goodbye moment in particular feel more bare and melancholy.
 I also experimented with a few other techniques, including blocking out a shot in Cinema 4d, roughing the character movement in Animate, and completing the rest in After Effects. I’m thankful I tried some processes a bit more out of my wheelhouse.
 Varying the composition and color densities across the film helped me decide which shots would take the most time, as well as which ones would have the most emotional impact. Color choices across the storyboards were made in for the same reason: fro
 Broken down in the parking lot of Arcata, California. The van’s alternator died and we ran the battery down to nothing, sputtering to a halt. We got a tow to the nearest Napa Auto and waited for the new one until the next morning. We we’re back on t
 A stop in the redwoods after the van was repaired. We were transfixed.
 We had spaghettios and beer for lunch out on the water on Klamath Lake. The water was super glassy and we saw all kinds of birds. It felt doubly victorious after getting back on the road.
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