I started the project by sketching out characters. I knew that the project would be focused on the characters and adding diversity to their appearance and location would add to the comedy of the moment. I used this project as an opportunity to make
 I used a couple rigging techniques for the head and torso. The torso was time remapped and could adjust the turn via slider, as well as puppet tooled for an IK rig to adjust the bend.
 I used Limber for the legs on the second character. I also created a torso bend rig that uses the rotation value of the base pin. I added custom smears in for each character’s movements.
 The tie dye color splash at the end was a simple effects stack time remapped and duplicated with another color palette.
 The first step to creating the nuclear high five was to map out the movement. I roughed a simple mirrored sine wave in AE, and matched the movement for the arms. It was about 30 frames total, so I animated straight through into the final pose using
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